A Lizard in a Bucket Parable - Bible Teaching #9

There was once a lizard in a tree. The lizard saw a yummy looking bug and he chased the bug. The bug ran the lizard toward a bucket of water. The lizard chased the bug not considering where he was going, he just wanted to eat the yummy looking bug. Now that the bug was in the bucket of water, the lizard thought to himself, "That is a quick, easy, delicious meal." So he dove into the bucket of water not considering the consequences and ate the delicious bug.

Now the lizard, seeing that he is now drowning and unable to escape where the bug led him; he desperately looks for a way to stop drowning. He sees a floating branch, he swims toward it desperately, to escape the drowning. But the lizard does not realize that although he has escaped the drowning, resting on the branch, he is going to starve to death. So the lizard swims to the wall and tries to climb out but can not, he gets tired and returns to the branch. He repeats that process over and over again with no success, being tired because of the drowning and weak from starvation with no way out, there seems to be no hope.

Now from the outside Something looks in to the suffering lizard. Out of care for the lizard, not wanting it to suffer anymore, a Hand reaches in to help the lizard out of the bucket of suffering. But the Lizard is scared of the Hand. The Hand is a foreign thing, big and scary. Something that the lizard has not known. So the lizard swims away from the Hand, not considering that the Hand is the only way out. Only one way to escape the bucket but scared, he struggles to escape the Hand. The Hand places another lizard on the edge of the bucket to tell the trapped lizard that the Hand is the only way out. But the trapped lizard would not listen to the free lizard. Instead the trapped lizard tried to escape his own way, even though nothing was working. The Hand wants to love and help the lizard but He can not as long as the lizard keeps running from Him, and hating the only path out of the suffering. Eventually the lizard just floated from exhaustion.

Floating toward the Hand, the lizard exhausted from the suffering, the lizard grabs the Hand with one foot. Thinking to himself, "I am ready to die, tired of the suffering, just take my life." But the Hand instead of hurting the lizard, to the lizards surprise, the Hand instead shows an abundance of love and compassion. The hand scoops the lizard.

Unsure of what happens next, the lizard just trusts the Hand, holding on for his life; after exhausting all other options; knowing that anything is better than where he was. The Hand takes the lizard out of the bucket of suffering and places him in the grass. Free at last! The lizard can eat all the bugs he wants, no suffering! The lizard is now grateful for the kindness shown by the Hand. Because of the lizards gratefulness, he never leaves the Hands side, although the lizard was set free. The Hand and the lizard stayed friends for eternity. The lizard never again returned to the bucket of suffering. No matter how delicious the bugs looked venturing toward the bucket. So the Hand saved the lizard and the lizard trusted the Hand. Then the lizard was grateful for the Hand and faithful to the Hand all the days of his existence. Amen.

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.




Michael said…
Love this,I am the lizard.

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