Complex Relation Between the Trinity and Mankind Explained - Bible Teaching #12
Jesus is the visible form of the Father and only speaks the Words that the Father gave Him right? A conundrum that has stumped many, Jesus is God but also does not know when the end time events will take place, only the Father does.
Well, this is what God gave me to share with you explaining this complex relationship between the Trinity and even Gods relation to mankind.
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.
The Father is the brain, we can not see the brain but every part of the body is instructed by it. Jesus is the head, the visible representative form of the Father. While we look the direction of the brain, we see the head, Jesus. (Also note, inside the head is the brain, as Jesus said, "The Father is in me and I am in the Father", He is in the body of God but God Himself is inside Him.) Mankind is the body, which is supposed to carry out the functions of the brain, (the Father). The working parts of the body, (the Church), are all connected by nerves, to the brain, which tell the parts what to do, those nerves represent the Holy Spirit.
Now does your hand know what the brain is commanding your heart? No, the hand only gets the commands which pertain to the hand and what it has to do, through the nervous system. Even though both parts are connected by the same nervous system. Each part only knows its own commanded functions, the brain knows all and commands all.
The Father commands Jesus the same way that our brain commands our hand. While both are parts of the same being.
Thus why Jesus only speaks what the Father commands Him and why different members of the Church receive different gifts and different levels of revelation. Each part only receives what the brain needs it to receive to carry out the desired function. Although it is all interconnected by the same nervous system.
Thus why Jesus is called the Son of God and when we are reborn with the Holy Spirit and become connected into the same nervous system, (Holy Spirit), we also become sons of God. But the highest position closest to the brain is the head, Jesus.
Think about this concerning the functions of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Word, the brain thinks the words but the mouth speaks them and makes the words a reality. Thus why all things were created through Him and for Him, also, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Fathers Words could not become a reality unless Jesus made them that through His function as Gods mouth. Jesus will be judging mankind in the end, thus why the eyes, ears and nose are also in the head; so Jesus, the head can observe our works based on the Fathers commands given through the Holy Spirit that connects them both.
When you speak to someone, you speak to their face. (If you have manners that is). The ears hear the words spoken and reports to the brain to judge the words said and to decide the proper words to say back. Thus why Jesus is our mediator between us and the Father, observing our words and actions then relaying them to the Father.
When a part of your body is hurting, (not functioning right), you will want to look at it so your brain can perceive what is wrong and what to do about it. Once again Jesus judging the actions of mankind under the command of the Father relaying messages by the Holy Spirit, nervous system, that connects them both.
So we have the brain, the head, the body, all connected by the same nervous system, all together supposed to be the functioning working body of God. All instructed by the brain, the Father. Doing what each part needs to do individually and all a part of the same working system.
On top of this we see that if you are not connected to the nervous system, such parts are paralyzed, then you can not get a command to perform a function. These parts represent people who are not filled with the Holy Spirit. Such parts are lost and useless unless they get connected. Those parts get in the way and hinder the body from performing its duties and will eventually be removed to allow the body to operate all its interconnected parts without hindrance.
The reason why parts became paralyzed is because of an infection called sin. Breakng the communication between the brain and that part of the body, causing it to not be able to perform the function that the brain needs it to do. The cure to the paralysis is our antibiotic, the blood of Jesus. Which kills the infection, (sin), and reconnects us to the nervous system, (The Holy Spirit), so that we can once again perform our required functions from the brain, (The Father).
That infection entered through one member of the body, (Adam), and infected the whole body. Cutting off every members communication with the brain below the head. But by taking the pure blood of the uninfected head we can be cured and reconnected to the brain to be functioning working members of the wonderfully amazing body of God, as we were designed to be.
Get connected to the body now or you will be removed and thrown away to rot, while the rest of the body continues to perform the instructions of the brain given through the nervous system.
I am not teaching that we are all Gods, or that we are equal to God, as many eastern religions teach. We are not equal to the brain nor the head, for both are positioned at the top of the body. The brain is not in the rest of the body, it is only in the head. Also the head is not the brain but the brain is in the head. The head is special above all other members of the body for it contains the brain as no other member does. Thus also why the head is on top of the body positioned above all other members for Jesus is above all and next to the Father. We can not command the brain, the brain commands us, although we can choose not to listen and become paralyzed, cut off from the nervous system. We are only members of the body performing what the brain commands if we forsake our sin infection, which brought on our paralysis, and are cured by the antibiotic blood of Jesus; restoring our conntection through the nervous system to the brain.
This really brings a whole new level to us being made in Gods image does it not? Blessed be the Lord!
May God bless you and Godspeed.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.