The Beginning of the End - Bible Teaching #14

(photo credit: pixabay)

I hope everyone's day is going well. This is going to be written showing what I have been watching for a little over a year. The convergence of numerous prophecies and what used to be conspiracy theories, but are now in front and public. All things that the Bible prophesied 2000 years ago, all coming true now.

With a heavy heart I write this hoping that someone will heed this message. The time is near. The Judge is standing at the door.

Lets start with the obvious distinction between these times and all other "end times" claims over the past 2000 years.

Before the Anti-Christ can come. There must be the 3rd Jewish temple for him to operate from, 2 Thessalonians 2:3. (Which is all prepared but not put together yet). The same passage mentions the great falling away of the Church, apostasy, falling away from the Truth. Which is already here, most of "Christianity" has fallen from what Christianity originally was. In order for a 3rd Jewish temple to be built, Israel must be a nation again, that came true on May 14th 1948. Israels reinstatement as a nation has put in motion everything else, marking the beginning of the end. The Great Apostasy, the push for a united world under "peace", the fast traveling of information, the vast amount of deception, the uniting of all religions, etc...

The first thing we are going to look at is, the first step, the apostasy of the Church. First, what does apostasy mean? Apostasy means, "A defection from the truth". Now lets look at the many aspects of what we now call "Christianity", versus what the Bible says.

-"Churches" are a "hospital for sinners" these days. The Bible calls Church meetings a gathering of Gods people, not sinners.

-"Churches" are now where you go to hear the Gospel. The Bible says to go out into the world and make disciples. Not bring the world into your "church" meeting. The Church is supposed to be a meeting of people that have already heard the gospel and are already disciples.

-The "church" has female leadership. The Bible says that a woman is not permitted to have authority over a man.

-"Christianity" has LGBTQ+ friendly "churches". The Bible condemns sexual immorality, homosexuality and the effiminate. Commanding us not to even eat with such people.

-"Churches" say that God loves everyone. The Bible says that God hates sinners.

-"Churches" teach that once you are saved, you can not become unsaved. The Bible teaches a Covenant, which is conditional by its very nature.

-We have "churches" involving in and encouraging worldly activities. The Bible says that if we love the lusts of the world then the love if the Father is not in us.

-We have "churches" uniting despite of differences. The Bible says to not even welcome them into your house nor greet them, if they bring a different teaching.

-We have "christians" teaching that we should not judge. But the Bible teaches to judge with righteous judgement. Just do not do what you are judging others for. Practice what you preach.

-We have people in "church" authority committing sin. The Bible says that in order to even serve, (not to mention be in authority), you must be blameless. No wonder why the "church" is so blind. When the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.

-We have "christians" who teach that the spiritual gifts have ceased. The Bible tells us to desire them and even gives directions on using some of them. The Bible also tells us to avoid people who have a form of godliness but deny its power.

Time would fail us to list everything, from tithing practices to self love to worldliness to sin and everything in between. Even the structure of a church meeting. Never is there a sermon in the Bibles prescription for a proper Church meeting. We are at a point in time where the "church" has fallen so far that it is not recognizable with the Bible that it claims to love. So we can see that the apostasy, which must come before the Anti-Christ can come, is already here.

As Paul prophesied,

"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Look around you, does that sound like todays "Christianity"?

But wait, there’s more!

Through the apostasy of the "church", we have the rise of a 1 world religion. While all mainstream "christianity" unites. Under the banner of "love". Not judging and dividing over things, that we are commanded to judge and divide over. All the major denominations are uniting together, as they also unite to the Catholic church. We also see the Catholic church uniting with other religions. The opening of the Abrahamic Family House among other inter religious advancements. The pathway to a one world religion is and has been well under way. A religion disguised as love and peace. Where truth is different to each person. All about loving yourself and achieving self betterment. A religion where they claim no judgement but then they judge the one who judges them? The Bible says love is without hypocrisy. Just another notch in the stage being set for a united world under the Anti-Christ.

The start of a new world order. A worldwide dictatorship ran by the Anti-Christ. The Bible says that all nations will worship him. The world is primed and ready. Tired of the constant war between nations. Not sure exactly how this is going to converge yet. But we do see the tentacles leading to the head. The talks of world peace, and the attempts to unite under organizations like, WHO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc... The idea is in the works, exactly who or what is going to take the cake is still unknown though. But we do know it will all be united under the Anti-Christ in the 3rd Jewish temple.

As Jesus said, there will be an increase in famines, disease and severe weather patterns, (including but not limited to earthquakes). We see a steady rise in pandemics and the spread of disease, Covid 19, HIV, Cancer, etc... The weather patterns are growing stranger by the month. This year in particular, steady uptick in earthquakes worldwide. Record breaking cold temps, abnormal monsoons, cold fronts still coming in May and early June. Just crazy weather all around the world. The headlines are riddled with, "once in a lifetime", "once in a thousand years", among other similar phrases. We can see the same thing almost weekly with the moon and stars. We see famines around the world and the talk of a possible global food shortage soon.

Jesus said many would be offended, we are in the generation of people being offended. He said we would be delivered up to death. Christian persecution is through the roof right now. China, Middle East, Africa, Asia, we are seeing the beginning stages of it here in america as well. The stage is being set for america to target True Christians. I myself have experienced discrimination, persecution, threats, job loss, and the tension against Christians is just getting worse. The love of many Christians is growing cold. Discouraged from the increase in opposition. As it says, lawless will abound causing the love of many to grow cold.

Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation." That word used for nation in this passage is the Greek word ethnos, Strong's 1484. That word literally means race, tribe or nation. What do we see around us? Lots of racial tension. As Jesus prophesied would happen.

There is more open and public sin now than ever. Nakedness, homosexuality, fornication, murder, intoxication, medication, deception, etc... How many people do you know that are truly Christian, (little Christ's)? Who do not commit willful sin, do good to everyone, are separate from the lusts of the world, and walk in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of God? I have met only a handful. As it says, it will be like the days of Noah. Only 8 people were saved in the days of Noah. The rest of the world was destroyed.

Not done yet!

We have the nation to the north and the nation to the east, united against Israel. As prophesied, Iran and its muslim controlled friends, all partnered with Russia and China, against Israel. Getting ready for a specific foretold major end times conflict.

We all know about "the mark of the beast". Where you can not buy or sell without receiving that mark. We see the early stages of that being setup, by the digital currency. China is working on moving to a digital currency where they can track every purchase for every person in real time. The USA is looking into that as well now. Not wanting to be replaced by China as the leading global currency. This would make it just a click away from preventing people from buying or selling. Yes, this is real. Yes, the ground work is being set.

Now we get on to the 3rd Jewish temple. Which is all but built. They already have functioning priests, all of the gold tools for the service made. The priestly clothing. They have everything needed to perform services. Now they are just waiting on the all clear to build the temple. They have acquired the 10th ritually pure red cow in history. The last one was 2000 years ago when Jesus came into this earth. The next was supposed to show up when their "messiah" appears at the end of the age. Who we know as the Anti-Christ. They are planning on sacrificing the cow on Passover of 2024. That is the last step needed to make the priests and everything else ritually pure. The Israeli government is trying to find ways to allow the construction of the temple to happen. Most recently proposing that the temple mount be split between Jews and Muslims. Which would allow the temple to be rebuilt. I was talking to a rabbi who said that they believe that the "messiah", (who we call the Anti-Christ), will be part of rebuilding the 3rd Jewish temple. If this does not show how close we are, then, i don't know what will.

There is a major false prophet that has arisen in Israel, who memorized the whole Torah and Talmud by the age of 15. Who is acredited with signs and wonders. He is anti Jesus. People are even saying that his soul descended from above. A truly major false prophet. As the Bible says, "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders..." He is either the False Prophet or a major false prophet paving the way for the False Prophet.

There are head orthodox rabbi reports of them actually meeting with who they call the "messiah" already. So, who they claim to be their messiah is already here, but he is just not revealed yet, according to them.

The rise of Artificial Intelligence. The abomination of desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel. Which will also be setup in the 3rd Jewish temple. An Idol that can speak and make commands. Sounds a bit like the new thing, Aritificial Intelligence, doesn't it? The Idol or image will even make war with anyone who will not worship it. As the existing Artificial Intelligence has already talked about killing mankind.

So much going on, with all of this converging. So many things happening at once unlike any time in history. I hope this opens your eyes. Today is the day to be awake. Be faithful. Stand strong in love. Share the Truth while you still can. Once people take the mark of the beast, there is no repentance from that. That is in a very real way, the unforgivable sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The time has never been so demanding. Jesus wants to love everyone but He can not love those who are actively in opposition to Him. If you care about those around you, warn them. Go sin no more, giving your life fully and faithfully to Jesus, because He gave his life for you.

I pray everyone takes this seriously. May God bless you and Godspeed.
Written in love,
A humble servant of Christ, Michael

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.



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