Who Created God? - Bible Teaching #17
Most of us have heard the age old Atheist argument of "Who created God?". Where Atheists try to trap Theists into putting God into a naturalistic world view, which He does not fit in.
As I myself, have written in a past article:
'Everything that we have wittnessed being created has had a creator. Cars, boats, houses, tools, furniture, etc... All have been created by a creator. Matter a fact the very word creation implies that there is a creator. So where did life, matter, consciousness and other created things come from? Well, if they are created then there must be a creator. According to Marriam-Webster, one definition for creation is, "something that is created". So if it is created, someone or something had to create it. One definition for create according to Marriam-Webster is, "to bring into existence". So if it exists, it was created, a creator had to create it.'
So, that sets the Atheist up for the age old argument, "Who created God?". The response to that question, and the question itself, is purely philosophical and logical. In this we will discover the flaws in this argument
God who exists outside of space and matter. He is not subject to the same laws, for He created the laws. So, we can not apply the laws of the material creation to the inmaterial Creator.
It is like trying to apply the 2 dimensional, motionless laws of a painting to a 3 dimensional painter who moves. The painter does not operate with the same laws as the painting. He is separate. He painted the painting but no one painted him. One would be insane to think that a painter also was painted like a painting, simply because the painting is all that they see.
Example, "matter can not be created or destroyed". So the creation of matter is something outside of the laws of our universe. God exists outside of the laws of our universe, so He is not subject to being created as everything else that we know.
Even the Bible supports this,
2 Corinthians 4:18
"while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
You see, the non material things that created the material universe are not subject to the same laws. The non material things have no end and if they have no end, then non material things do not operate under the same laws as our materiel universe.
But, this does not mean that all non material things are exactly the same. There are different classifications. Some spiritual things were made at different times, for different purposes. Not all are equal. God even created spirits, Colossians 1:16. Man is currently under the angels while in the flesh. But, after the resurrection, those counted worthy will be above the angels, Hebrews 2:6-9 . Reigning with Christ, 2 Timothy 2:12. Man is special to God. For God created man in His own image, Genesis 1:26-27. But, then we fell and now God is working to restore us to our rightful place through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, if God even created spirits which live forever. Then He is not even subject to the same laws as the spirits which He created. As all material things have a beginning and an end, then spiritual things have a beginning but no end, now God Himself which created both; He Himself is not subject to being created. He is above both the material and spiritual creations which He created. It is like steps, different levels. Material has a beginning and an end, spiritual has a beginning but no end, God Himself has no beginning and no end.
Take a second to really ponder on that.
Now you can see that the question of who created God, is a flawed argument. I hope this will help finally settle this half witted attempt at disproving God.
People will say or do anything to reject the Gospel. Because they reject God Himself. They reject what is right because they love what is evil. When man fell in the Garden of Eden, we divorced God and became united to another master, Satan the serpent. Now Jesus paid the bride price with His blood. So we can be reunited to Him in a spiritual union through faithful obedience to Him. Redeeming us from the control of our current master, Satan, to be with our original rightful Master, Jesus. No longer slaves of sin, but slaves of righteousness. He broke the chains so you can be freed from the guilt. But will you join Him in a spiritual marriage? If not you will be given what you want and will be separate from Him for eternity. Left to suffer. God will not force your hand, the choice is yours.
I pray that this equips the saints to answer this question, and shoots the argument down.
May God bless you and Godspeed.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.