Christianity, a Jewish thing - Bible Teaching #18

Dear children of Israel,

It would be my pleasure to talk to you about your own Scriptures, which I also follow fully, which Yeshua and the Apostles also taught. Read through and let me know what you think. May God bless you.

Lets start with a prophecy from Jeremiah, we can both agree that he is not a false prophet, right?

Jeremiah 31:31-32 JPS

"See a time is coming-declares the Lord-when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, a covenant which they broke, though I espoused them-declares the Lord."

So, there will be a time when the Mosaic Covenant will be replaced because it was broken by Israel. That is what Jeremiah says, right?

The Mosaic Covenant required a blood sacrifice, Leviticus 17:11. Only ignorant sins could be cleansed by the blood sacrifice, for willful sin, there was no sacrifice, Numbers 15:22-31. You can only sacrifice in the place that the Lord your God chooses, the Tabernacle, then the Temple, Deuteronomy 12:11-14.

So for 2000 years, there has been no sacrifice for the Jews who rejected the sacrifice of Yeshua who died in AD33. No Temple, no sacrifice, no remission of sins.

Thankfully, in Isaiah 53:5-6, we read this:

Isaiah 53:5-6 JPS

"But he was wounded because of our sins, crushed because of our iniquities. He bore the chastisement that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. We all went astray like sheep, each to his own way; and the Lord visited upon him the guilt of all of us."

Now, this someone died, making a sacrifice that makes up for all of the animal sacrifices. This person died right before the 2nd Temple was destroyed in AD70, to make a way for the Jewish people to be forgiven without the Temple system, which is, no longer there.

This is the Prophet that God raised up from among your people like Moses, Deuteronomy 18:18. How is He like Moses? He, like Moses, brought your people into a Covenant with God. The New Covenant as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah. A Covenant that also includes all flesh being grafted in, where everyone who is obedient to God has access to the Holy Spirit which was in the kings and the prophets, Joel 3:1-2. As king Saul was given a new heart and prophesied, when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him in, 1 Samuel 10:9-13. You can also have access to the same Spirit, as I myself have experienced the rebirth and the gift of prophesy.

As the only one capable of surviving Gods wrath, this servant was also God Himself. I know, big statement. Let me explain, "He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him." - Proverbs 18:13

Genesis 1:26-27 JPS states:

'And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. They shall rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, the whole earth, and all the creeping things that creep on the earth." And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; both male and female He created them.'

You see, first God says, "in our image". Then God created them in, "His image". As in a marriage, 2 separate people become 1 flesh, united, Genesis 2:24. So we have 3 persons, 1 Spirit, united, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Thus why God said:

Deuteronomy 6:4

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."

That same word used for "one", is the same word used when the Torah says, "they shall become one flesh." Talking about marriage, more than one being, united.

Thus why we worship Yeshua as God. For it says in, Psalm 2:12 interlinear Hebrew/English:

"Kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish in the way when is kindled but a little His wrath blessed are all who put their trust in Him."

That same word for son is used 3 times in, Proverbs 31:2. So I am not sure why the JPS put a note next to the verse saying that the meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain, in Psalm 2:12. They translate the word right 3 out of 4 times. But, when it is a Messianic statement then they want to choose not to. Very dishonest.

This Son of God led Israel through the wilderness.

As YHVH says, "...for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him." Exodus 23:21. YHVH is in this particular being. Also, this particular being could normally pardon transgressions. Who can pardon transgressions? YHVH does, right?

This Son of God also spoke with Abraham before going to Sodom and Gomorrah.

3 people show up to Abraham, Genesis 18:2. In a physical form, their feet were washed and they ate food, Genesis 18:4-5. One of the people told Abraham that He would return and Sarah would have a son, Genesis 18:10. Then after Sarah laughed, YHVH asked Abraham why Sarah laughed, Genesis 18:13. That same YHVH said that He would return and Sarah would have a son, Genesis 18:14. That Angel who said He would return and Sarah would have a son, is YHVH in physical form.

Continuing with that story. The men rose to leave toward Sodom, accompanied by Abraham, Genesis 18:16. YHVH mentioned revealing His plan to Abraham, Genesis 18:17. Men left Abraham's presence, but Abraham stood still in the presence of YHVH, Genesis 18:22. After Abraham conversed with YHVH, YHVH went his way.

Now this is important, Abraham was visited by 3 angels in the last chapter, after men left, YHVH stayed behind to talk with Abraham. Now in Genesis 19:1, we see, 2 angels showed up to Sodom. 3-1=2. One of those 3 angels was most definitely YHVH in physical form. As Yeshua is depicted in the New Testament.

Now is the real kicker. After Lot and his family leaves Sodom. YHVH rains fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, from YHVH in the heavens, Genesis 19:24. So we have a YHVH on earth and a YHVH in Heaven. 2 YHVH's? Or 2 persons, same being, like the Christian Trinity? The Father and the Son.

Since this Angel's name is YHVH also, we know that He is also co-eternal with God as God. The visible form of the invisible God. Completely divine, as the Father is.

Now that we have established that the Torah definitely teaches that God has a visible form who coexists in different places at the same time. Who we call Yeshua or Jesus. Now what about the 3rd member of the Trinity? The Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 63:10

"But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit"

You can not grieve an impersonal force. You can not upset something that is impersonal. This same Spirit hovered over the face of the waters in the beginning, Genesis 1:2. Showing that He was there with YHVH when He created the heavens and the earth. That same Spirit speaks through YHVH's prophets, 2 Samuel 23:2. Can an impersonal force speak? When the Holy Spirit speaks through God's Prophets, He speaks as YHVH, Ezekiel 11:5.

So, we see that the Holy Spirit was with YHVH in the beginning of creation. That Spirit can be grieved. That Spirit speaks as YHVH through YHVH's prophets. Making Him a co-creator and God just like YHVH. As the Holy Spirit Himself is YHVH, speaking as YHVH in the first person. The 3rd person of the divine Trinity. 3 persons, 1 Spirit. A divine marriage unity between 3 persons. A trinity.

Matter a fact, all 3 are accumulated here:

Isaiah 63:9-10

"In all their affliction He was afflicted,
And the Angel of His Presence saved them;
In His love and in His pity He redeemed them;
And He bore them and carried them
All the days of old.
But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit;
So He turned Himself against them as an enemy,
And He fought against them."

The Lord, the Angel of His Presence, the Holy Spirit.

But the Trinity is a Christian teaching? As you can see, it is very Jewish!

May Ha'Shem grant you increase concerning this.

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.



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