Camp REJO!CE Suwannee River is temporarily closed due to flooding

The above photos look like 2 beautiful streams out in the middle of the woods don't they? Well they our actually our roads that lead into the camping areas and lead off of the peninsula we live on. Being in a severe flood zone, we expect to have temporary shutdowns. After our road washed away, we realized that we are staying put in our bus and toughing it out. As the water continuosly rises, we are witnessing first hand His almighty power! Our Master is in charge! May His will be done. 

True story: During flooding, there are some mini rapids that form from the river water that has come up over the small bridges and is rushing into the swamps at great speed. The current is so strong that a large fish got carried away, flew up and over the rapids slapping into one of April's legs as she was making her way across! 🐟

Let us know,
Let us pursue the
   knowledge of the Lord.
His going forth is established
   as the morning;
He will come to us
   like the rain,
Like the latter and former
   rain to the earth.
-Hosea 6:3


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