The Testimony of Michael, a Humble Servant of Christ

It is kind of hard to tell where to start with this, so lets start from the beginning.

My mother got pregnant by my father illegally in 1996. (Just to show the perversion even from the beginning.) My mother was 17 and my father was 25. (Me being 26 now, I can not imagine ever doing that.) Basically my mom was forced to abort or murder another child by another man before my dad, she did not want to do so again so she ran away to my dad. Law got involved, charges dropped, etc, etc... Mom gives birth to me, I end up hospitalized for failure to thrive, not sure how far that went but just sounds like drama. 18 months later my little brother was born which also played an important role in the brokenness of the home later.

Fast forward to late 90's. After being born in 1996, around 1999 ish my parents got involved in the 90's Tampa, Florida rave scene. Which had a huge impact on me. I fell in lust with the music as a kid, it allowed me to escape my dysfunctional life, temporarily.

My dad goes to prison from 2000-2002 for robbing a taxi driver. While he was in prison, all sorts of behavioural issues arrose in me. My mom took me to psychiatrists and put me on experimental drugs forcefully until I was at the age of 16, diagnosed with all sorts of crazy disorders, Schyzophrenia, ADHD, Bi-Polar, Assburgers. Also while my dad was in prison, 2000-2002, he found a latenight radio show called the X-Factory, (Pretty blatant and sickening drug reference isn't it?) My dad came back from prison and shared that radio show with me. 

At 7 years old I called in to that show, which was from 1am-6am and told Malicious Mike that I wanted to grow up and be a dj like him, little did I know, I would eventually be passed his torch. (From a Christian perspective, even the name "Malicious Mike" spells dark sin.) That show was my therapy, (looking back it was only a vain temporary escape from the drugs and violence that plagued my family home), until 2008. The show went off air in 2008. While all this is happening, keep in mind that I was heavily medicated, lots of behaviour issues, in and out of baker acts, being bullied heavily, hurting animals, compulsively lying, fighting, just openly involved in all sorts of demonic stuff. In 5th grade, with the musical addiction crashing, I had 1 of my worst years. Drawing bomb plans to kill everyone at school, making demented sexually perverted humor. The teacher was even afraid to have me in her class, so afraid that I was permanently transferred to another classroom, you get the picture I am sure. 

So, one of my only 2 real escapes just ceased, the music. I went fishing almost every day from 6-16 as well to escape the people and the violent drug indused nonsense at home. But the music was no longer there. In the midst of a depression from that. I had this drive come over me, that if no one else will make that style of music then I must do it. So that ended up being my obsession for the next 13 years, producing and performing that certain style of music.

After I started making the music myself, late 5th grade and into 6th grade. My behaviour cleared up, or so it seemed. I just got really good at hiding deviant behaviour, becoming deeper into compulsive lying. At this time also, my little brother, who I always fought with every time I got around him. He introduced me to pornography. Which ended up being another snare that lasted until I was 24. Around that same time I also had some homosexual interactions with childhood friends, as well as my younger brother, even an interaction while locked with another patient in a mental facility. Not to mention sexual relations with animals. All of which were in the moment and I pushed them down, even made myself forget them until the Holy Spirit brought them forth at age 24.

Some things my parents knew about but most they did not. I was disciplined thoroughly, belts, smacks, fists, thrown through closed doors, groundings, baker acts, etc... Just an fyi to parents out there, discipline does not work unless you are an example and your kids respect you. Make sure your life is godly first before correcting a kid for doing ungodly things. 

Anyways, so now I go through middle school and high school making record breaking test scores, record breaking sports accomplishments, producing music, fighting at home, fishing and torturing animals, became a successful thief, breaking into boats while out fishing. Basically a superhuman, (or demonically influenced?), but a perverted and sinful individual nonetheless.

At the end of middle school when I was 14, I was invited to a church, New Journey Fellowship in Pinellas Park, Florida. It felt good, I "gave my life to Christ", following the false watered down Once Saved Always Saved nonsense that the pastor, Brian Saylor, was teaching. A gospel that felt good but had no power. I was taught that Jesus died for my sins and all I have to do is accept his forgiveness by believing that, but we will always still be sinners. I kept attending there into early adulthood. 

So proving the lack of power in that gospel, there was no change in action. There was a false spirit attached to it, not the Holy Spirit as I know today. No desire to read for myself, just being spoon fed whatever garbage the pastor taught me.

So for 10 years after that I was still a heathen, proving the fruits of that "rebirth". "Forgiven" and believed in Jesus but we will always still be sinners right? Now knowing that even the Devil believes in Jesus it is unreal how stupid I was. 

In the middle of all this, I was contracted to go into the army in my senior year of highschool. I was supposed to ship out on July 21st 2015 to fort Geustis or fort Jackson. (I forget which one was first.) As a watercraft engineer 88-L. At the same time I was getting involved with a girl that I lusted after, while still doing music, but that music expanded over my highschool career, to international radio shows, small local gigs, throwing parties, even was asked to help teach the high schools electronic music class and dj some of the school dances.

Then I graduated that June of 2015, but got into a car accident the month before that, in May. Injured my left knee, military contract cancelled. (After training in the Future Soldier program for about a year.) Girl did not want to wait and slept with everyone in the neighborhood, so lost her. All plans failed except for music.

Now in a deep dark spot in June of 2015, I remember all the drug use and alchoholism that ran rampant in my home growing up.  As well as performing at local raves currently myself. I broke and wanted to figure out why drugs made people so happy. I jumped off the deep end, got some ecstasy and that is all she wrote. Spent 5 years of my life as a musician and a drug addict. Using everything from psychadelics to party drugs to hard street drugs to experimental research chemicals and everything in between. It would be easier for me to list what I have not done than list what I have done. Keep in mind all of this while a "Christian", pathetic right?

Met my wife while performing my "retirement set" on January 1st 2016. We just roamed in similar crowds at events until early 2017 though.

After that "retirement set",  I tried to retire my music career due to the drugs, (only 6 months in to drug use). Already was trying Narcotics Anonymous meetings, that "retirement set" was strangely a relapse after 30 days. After that, I actually ended up in the worst part of my usage, where I got hooked on Methamphetamine, sold my records and turntables, ended up homeless, losing any morals I had left. Ended up in a hospital after being up for 2 weeks on drugs. Moved to escape them but just found better dealers. 

Eventually someone had me come live on their boat, got me a job and helped me start getting my life back together. In and out of Narcotics Anonymous and was trying to bring my music career back. Got off of Meth but was just replacing with other drugs and meetings and so forth.

So now in fall of 2016 I am just back to where I was a year before, doing drugs and performing music. Had an overdose that October where I had an out of body experience where I was standing with God and He was showing me, that I myself was putting obstacles in my own way and tripping over them. All I could do was laugh at the vision of myself tripping over the obstacles that I put in my own way. God in His abundant mercy was still calling, but I was forgiven and reborn already right? So no need to change your life.

Around this time my parents life was in shambles, little brother committing burgleries, heading a car theft ring, dealing drugs, gang violence, even causing the house to get shot by rival gangs. No surprise that he went to prison for 22 years at the age of 18 in early 2017, due to vehicular manslaughter. He even made headlining news! My parents were going through a divorce, my dad the same drug addict he always was but now he had my little brother and his friends to join him. My mom decided to sleep around, etc, etc... Just brokenness everywhere. All with my little sister still in elementary school stuck in the middle of it all. 

Lets continue, started throwing parties again in 2017 then I started hanging out with April alot more, little did I know she would end up being my wife. Got biblically married to her, (slept with her) on April 3rd 2017. So we both got together in addiction. I loved to do large amounts at one time, she loved doing what I did in a night over the course of days. So that combined and made a very expensive and nasty combination. I moved in with her in Ybor city, Tampa, Florida on July 5th 2017. It was originally a very weird relationship, she was pansexual, we had another man that she was with as well as a girlfriend. The man lived in the same house with us. I was not for that but I was for her and waited patiently for her to hopefully agree to a monogamous heterosexual relationship. That eventually worked!

So living in Ybor, I got a job delivering Jimmy Johns on a bicycle. I needed to make sure that I had weekends off for musical gigs and they agreed to that. My music career just grew and grew. Eventually headlining clubs, festivals, performing with my childhood idols, even getting international attention from competitions, had a top 6 release around the world, performing on fm radio, etc, etc... All while doing copious amounts of drugs, slowly leaning more towards psychadelics.

Eventually the music was being played with psychadelics privately for others at our house. They came for "healing", it was a "spiritual experience". Quite frankly I became a sorcerer, unintentionally, and brought people in contact with spirits through my music, leading to what we now see as demonic possessions and temporary "healings", etc, etc... But I was a "Christian", right?

We got deeply involved with Ketamine and LSD seeking spiritual experiences. But something would happen when I got into "K-holes", I would feel convicted and ask; "Is God happy with my life?" Weird question at that time, seeing that I had all I ever wanted at that time. I was "happy" or so I thought I was and with my wife being an atheist, she definitely did not like that I went there. 

So that continued for about a year ish, I think? Me feeling like I need to go back to church or get a Bible and read it, (something that I never did myself). Eventually I gave in during the month of January in 2020 and asked my mom where I could buy a Bible, (not even knowing where to start looking), so she just let me borrow hers. Looking back on it, if someone lets you borrow their Bible, what are they going to read? That shows you how much of a "Christian" a person is. Never do that unless you have extras. Love the Lord your God, first command, then your neighbor, second command. 

So I started reading and trying to do what it said, I started in the book of Matthew and just read through Revelation. In the process of this, still partying, still playing music. For it says you can not get drunk, but it does not say you can not get high, right? Something I now find absurd. 

So we have a party in March of 2020, I am performing, little did we know 2 of our "friends" were performing a satanic ritual. Using my performance to help open the gateway. They were trying to posess my atheist wife! Anyways her eyes got opened to the spiritual realm, saw angels and demons and stuff. After that, she asked me that night, "what happens when we die?" I said, "Do you want what I believe or something else?" She said, "I want what you believe." So I gave her whatever I understood at that moment. Still the powerless gospel that I was told growing up. Got her to say "I accept" to Jesus and His forgiveness for our sins, no repentance, no new life, no rebirth. 

She went on this race for months seeking God but not knowing how. As I myself am trying to read, pray and obey. Unfit to lead her, she gets into all sorts of 3rd eye meditation and weird New Age Hindu nonsense. We got even deeper into psychadelics, (Does not say you can not get high right?). Finally on July 5th 2020 God sent a man whos name is Sammie, who we never met before, visiting next door in an Air B&B. Who after we had a party next door to him, he stumbles over, speaking in tongues, interpreting, telling us personal things happening in our lives and things which were about to happen. This included 3 people, my wife, a friend of ours and myself. "Let every matter be established by 2 or 3 wittnesses.", Right? Also, it is important to note that the things which Sammie said were about to happen, they came true. That man laid his hands on my wife and healed her of her high blood pressure. All in an impressive show orchestrated by none other than the Spirit of God Himself. She received the Holy Spirit that morning.

So she is reborn, things start changing for her. But the only thing that changed for me is that I now believed in spiritual gifts, I previously thought they stopped and were only around in the time of Jesus. I just kept continuing in reading and prayer unchanged.

I eventually had a further conviction at my last headlining club event in November 2020. I said I was done publically performing, everyone looked so intensely intoxicated. They were not enjoying the music, they were enjoying the drugs. I was just background noise to them. At this point I did not like where I was leading people with music and drugs. 

Slowly we changed, at first led by my wife. She was being taught by the Spirit and bringing me her convictions and I was realizing that she was learning the Word without reading it.

She felt convicted about my porn addiction that November of 2020, that almost broke us up. I stopped watching porn, originally for her, not for God. Now I do not watch, for God, not for her. We had a 30 day sex fast, keep in mind I was still not reborn.

Because of the abundance of my wifes supernatural insights and experiences, I actually was thinking my wife went slightly crazy because I did not fully understand.

We were seeing demonic posessions while on psychadelics, I knew what the New Testament Scriptures said at this point but I had no power to carry that out. A super confusing period of my life, gave up public performances, seeing demons, my wife learning the Bible without reading it. We attended a horrible mega church at this time called Grace Family Church. Basically a watered down self help group. Doing drugs saturday night going to service Sunday morning, inviting lesbian friends and they felt welcomed, (red flag), but I was not born again and did not understand that yet.

Finally getting to January 2021, a whole crazy year after reading the Bible myself and trying to obey. We agreed to give up drugs, had one last party and that night, while still tripping, we stumbled accrossed a YouTube channel called "Servus Christi". At the time, Servus Christi had the audacity to put out a video going against who at that time was my favorite speaker, Francis Chan! I was like, hold up, we have to see this!

I immediately started seeing what he was saying. Then I went on a frenzy watching his stuff. Somewhere in that frenzy, early January 2021, a whole crazy year after reading and seeking the Lord, during one of Servus Christi's videos, the Spirit came over me. A clarity, the Bible made sense, the dots were connected, my interests changed, I stopped cussing and making perverted jokes, I threw out my records, deleted 13 years worth of music, I was reborn! All the way to my motives and desires, I was made new. Instead of trying to obey and live for Christ, I wanted to obey and live for Christ! 

The Holy Spirit fixed my compulsive lying problem, He even showed me many things that were lies that I thought were true. I told the same lies over and over again pushing the truth down for so many years that I was basically lost in my own reality, which was a lie I created. I praise the Lord for revealing the truth and freeing me from the web of lies! The weight was lifted! 

The Lord started speaking to me, illuminating passages and connecting them with other parallel passages. Giving me Scripture to send to others that I have not even read yet. Gave me dreams about certain events that were soon to pass, and they came true. I did not fit in with the nasty city anymore or it's sinful people. I also dealt with this hurt, that I never really was saved, and that I was lied to and misled. At that point the previous 24 years of my life meant nothing to me. In those years I lived a life disobeying my Creator, trampling His blood underfoot. Now I am here by the grace of God, by the power of His Son's blood, a changed man, who has power over sin, the chains are broken and I am set free by the Holy Spirit of God! No need for escape, because I cherish reality. The Bible is real. Everything is now for Christ because He gave it all for me. All else is meaningless. 

Now it is put on my heart to help show those stuck in the same place I was, the True Gospel which has power. Where Christ died and rose again as foretold in the Old Testament Scriptures, proving it True, so we also die to what we want to do and resurrect into a new life obedient to Him! I share this Truth with as many as I can because I wish someone shared it with me.

Luke 24:46-49
"Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things. Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you..."

There is power, you can overcome, only with the Holy Spirit though. Repent and believe the Gospel of your salvation, the remission of sins in Jesus name! He will send His Spirit upon you if you seek Him diligently. You will become a new man. Having power over sin to live for Him! I can personally testify to it! 

Currently, living fully for the Lord, with my amazing wife. God has given me an Ezekiel 33 style ministry. Running a Christian camp, producing Christian worship music, heading Bible studies, street preaching, traveling missionary, correcting false doctrines that are leading others to Hell, rebuking churches who are in error, holding intellectual conversations with college students, engaging in appologetics and polemics; taking the Truth and love of Christ to all that I can! 

May God bless you and Godspeed. 

A humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ,



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