Satan's Sexual Agenda - April's Testimony

Dear sisters in Christ,

First, let me set the backdrop for the below letter. I had watched a 3 part video series that demonstrated the evolution and influence of sex in our mainstream culture over the years. Starting from Alister Crowley, to Kinsey, Hugh Hefner's Playboy, Elvis, rock bands, the list goes on. 

Satan's grand scheme over the past 100+ years was brilliantly exposed through these videos. Sadly, I was shown as to how I was the perfect candidate, starting at the age of 5, to fall victim to his sexual grooming. This revelation led me to reach out to the video authors and share my testimony. 

I pray that this letter may reach women that have fallen victim to this deep ongoing deception. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times with a Biblical filter for the devil is lurking around every corner waiting to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Pray for the discernment to detect the dark sinister seeds that are being planted every second of every day. It is not too late to break the chains, be reborn and prevent your children from falling victim like I did!


Dear GF, 

Thank you for being so bold. Many of your videos connect with my past in one way or another but your "Satan's Sex Scheme" series really hit home for me! I'm currently 50 and after watching your videos it stirred up the memory banks. 

Let's start at the young age of 5, my favorite band was the overly sexualized group KISS. I had a poster on my wall, idolized Ace, sported a KISS shirt...yes, I guess they made shirts for 5-year-olds. 🤮 I quite literally was representing sex on my chest as a 5-year-old!

5 was also the first age I remember being sexually molested. Over the course of my youth I was molested by several different men that my mother brought home or by their family members. Interesting thing is, they ALL listened to the rock bands you guys have KISS, Ozzy Osborne, Led Zepplin, etc. So it seems as though these abusers shared or was influenced by the same was not just a coincidence. 

Born in 1972, I was a child of the 80s. I became obsessed with music videos, first NightFlight then, of course, MTV. My obsession was british pop artists such as Duran Duran. They seemed innocent to my mother but they were so very sexualized and through both hearing and site I worshipped them with all my soul! My mother even gifted me with a special order uncut VHS video compilation that wasn't allowed on TV because it was pornographic...thanks mom! I didn't have my own personality, I ultimately became a melting pot of everything you saw in those videos. Let's continue, how about the birth of Madonna (porn), Wham & Frankie Goes to Hollywood (homosexual lyrics), Prince (androgenous) and Boy George (Trans) just to name a few..see where I'm going with this? Sin went to the next level once you could "see" the music...I was hooked just like a drug addict. The stage was slowly being set for the acceptance of LGBTQ+. Satan has been specifically using music videos to groom myself and the rest of world since it aired in 1981! 

Next, lets sprinkle in my dad's "secret" porn stash of Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, fetish videos and dirty toys. My mother had her "secret" stash too. Or even my older sisters Playgirls that she had mailed to the house... let's not forget that female sexual agenda as well. Teen movies and girl magazines were also highly sexual, I learned more in those than Sex Ed. You can now see Satan setting the stage for the acceptance of sexual deviant behavior, adultery, divorce, the introduction to the internet porn plague and so on. 

With being so sexualized since I was 5, I became desensitized, I didn't know any different, it was "normal", I thought it was "love". Therefore, around the age of 8 I started my own sexual deviant journey which grew stronger and stronger until 47. First, I began experimenting with a female friend, dabbling in beastality, performing sexual acts with anyone who showed me attention...this was with all ages, including adults up to 40-years-old...all before I even turned 15. Sadly, this resulted in having surgery at the age of 14 for a venereal disease. Movies also had a strong influence on me which planted a fantasy to hitchhike to NYC and become a prostitute. 

At the age of 15 I was put into a teenage rehabilitation program, attended AA, NA and tried a church. But this was just a temporary band-aid...I ripped that band-aid off and remained infected. I stayed a wild rebellious sexualized lunatic up until I was 47. But, by then, I had learned how to flip being a victim of sex into using it as a tool to control and dominate...a spirit, or spirit(s), were guiding me all the way by giving me the ego, physical manipulation and enchantments to succeed! I had become an athesit pansexual (fancy name for: anything goes). I was loud and proud of my deviant sexual behavior. Throw in alcoholism and addiction and you've got one lost wretched soul. 

March 28, 2020, age 47, I had an overdose at a party during a demonic ceremony, that at the time, I didn't know was being performed on me. It was then, during my near-death-experience, that my eyes were opened to the demonic spirit realm. Then I had to come back as a scared, broken, little girl in order for my eyes to be opened and finally see that I had been deceived by darkness my whole life. That darkness had been outted, no longer a secret, I see you! I suddenly wondered about life and death which really confused my pathetic little atheist brain. Thank God my husband had some knowledge of Jesus and helped me to take God's hand that night. 

Speaking of my husband, when we met I was 40 and he was a 19-year-old who never had sex with a woman before. At that time I openly had a girlfriend and another boyfriend, so it was prime time for that sex spirit to work hard on bringing him down that same hethonistic path with me. He was a popular music producer/performer when we met and throughout our relationship. I got to see first hand the sexual power that came through his music...he was basically a puppeteer, a sorcerer using white magic to control his groupies and at times, even me. He, also had a porn addiction starting at the age of 12 and up into our relationship (all part of the grooming). He devoted his life to Christ shortly after me and is now a street evangelist and a beautiful Godly husband! Glory to God! 

The point of all this is that I wanted to confirm that you guys are on the right path! The Spirit has revealed to you Satan's agenda and as you can see, I can personally testify to this. I am basically a result of the grooming that has been taking place over 100+ years, all the way back to the days of Alister Crowley. 

Also, I really value your words on a husband and wife. I had no real example or any idea growing up of what a true Biblical couple should be, therefore I had no moral compass. Satan had groomed me, as well as, my divorced Mormon parents and all the predators around me to destroy the meaning of what a true Godly marriage is. My mother, who had been married 5xs, finally broke down at the age of 57 about how her and her siblings were also sexually abused. You can see the pattern of this sexual spirit being passed down through the generations. 

I appreciate your tears, if my parents were true children of the Lord, they may have had discernment like you. They might have been able to prevent the abuse to myself, my sister and who knows who else out there that has or still is laying victim to these predators. But when there is no Jesus, there is no life. He truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one will get to the Father except through Him (John 14:6)!

Finding out my Biblical role as a modest Godly woman and wife had definitely been a challenge. The Holy Spirit had to retrain what I had been taught for 47 years and fight off the spirit of rebellion that had been laid so deep inside me. But praise God, I have been freed! Now I do my best to support my husband, to be an example of a Godly woman/wife and to teach as many women as possible the roles God really intended for a man and a woman. (Genesis 2:24, Timothy 2:9-15, Titus 2:3-5, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:22-24, Hebrews 13:4, Mark 10:9)

Lastly, just like your Rock & Roll and Sexual Agenda research, I would love to see you dive in deep to the "music television" era; ie NightFlight, MTV, etc. Research the impact it has on our culture as we know it today. From the overly sexualized 80s teen movies (Breakfast Club, Weird Science), to teen pop magazines (Teen Beat), etc. Im sure the whole Generation X would be shocked and grateful for the truth to be revealed. Same Satan, different package. 

Please continue in the good fight!
May God bless you,
April, a humble servant of Christ
"If you love Me, keep My commandments." 
-John 14:15


**Disclaimer** (This section is written by Michael, April's husband)

The letter above was originally written by my wife, to Good Fight Ministries, Pastor Joe Schmiel. Who we can not endorse or support anymore due to his apostasy. He is now compromised and partners with multiple other compromised heretics. Such as, Ray Comfort (Living Waters), Frank Turek (Cross Examined), J. Warner wallace (Cold Case Christianity) and Sotierology 101. Those channels all have false doctrines and partner with heretics, as now Joe Schmiel, (Good Fight Ministries), partners with them. Can 2 walk together unless they are agreed? For birds of a feather flock together. If you would like a deeper study, on why we need to separate from heretics, read my article on, Biblical Separation

We decided that it would be beneficial, for other women to read my wifes story, and find strength or comfort in her testimony/recovery. She is a living testimony of the depths of sexual sin and has been delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. As all can achieve, who seek God through repentance to God and faith in Christ. I hope the letter blesses you as it blessed me to be married to such a beautiful creation in Christ.

God bless you and Godspeed


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