You Deserve Worse - Bible Teaching #15

Photo Credit: Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images/TNS

This is a topic that is foreign to todays watered down self help religion that is falsely called "Christianity". No matter what situation you are going through, no matter what struggle you are struggling with, no matter what level of discomfort, simply put; you deserve worse.

Now that is a big statement, bound to offend many. Probably why "churches" do not teach this.

Before disregarding, as always, we will ground ourselves in Gods Word.

First question, what do we deserve really?

All have sinned, Romans 3:23. Those who sin are blotted out of Gods Book of Life, Exodus 32:32. All who are not written in the Book of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire, Revelation 20:15.

So what do we make of that?

We all deserve Hell! The eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels, Matthew 25:41. A place with weeping and gnashing of teeth, signifying extreme torment and suffering, Matthew 13:42. That lasts day and night forever and ever, with no rest, Revelation 14:11.

Are you in Hell? Of course not! So praise the Lord for being merciful to you. We do not deserve the sunshine or the ability to smell the flowers or enjoyment or even the air we breathe! Praise the Lord! For, "His mercy endures forever".

Not only has He postponed our just punishment of Hell, He has also sent His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ; to take our place of punishment, if, we do what Jesus said and, "Go sin no more".

With all that in perspective, why complain?

The whole reason why people covet is because they are not grateful for what they have. The whole reason why people want to alter their reality, (get drunk or high), is because they are not completely satisfied with their current reality. That is, ungratefulness at its core. We all deserve Hell, but look how much God has given us! Rejoice! Praise the Lord! The reality is beautiful! The reality is Jesus! The reality is that you deserve Hell but God has given you a chance to not get what you deserve! He has given us so much more than we deserve! Bow down to the Lord and cry out hallelujah!

This unchanging peace is exactly what caused Paul to be able to be content, whether abased or abounding. Paul was content no matter the situation, because his happiness was not built on temporary things. His happiness and peace was built on the fact that he was the chief of sinners. One who deserved Hell. But God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for him. So now by choosing to be faithful to Christ, Paul can be forgiven and restore connection with his Creator. This peace is built on something that was already done. History can not be changed. Christ died for all of us so we can have another chance. To stop sinning and do what is right, in Jesus name. His side of the Covenant is already done. Now the question is, are you going to gratefully uphold your side?

With all of this in mind, we now see why it was a sin for the Israelites to complain in the wilderness. They were set free from slavery, they were fed, they were clothed. But they still complained, even though God did so much for them. As God has also done with you. As God promises that He will do for all who seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Literally the word "covet" means to desire more. As I am sure you are familiar with 1 of the 10 commandments, "Thou shall not covet..." Be grateful that you have what you have and do not ask for more. God has already given us all much more than we can ever ask for. We all deserve Hell, but you are not there. Also, you will never end up there if you so choose to be faithful to Christ. The choice is yours. The offer is still there as long as you are still alive in your earthly body. Rejoice in that.

May the God of peace be with you. May you be filled with all Joy. Rejoicing in the marvelous love and kindness that our Good Lord has shown us.

God bless you and Godspeed.

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and am willing to discuss any of these topics and more, in great detail. If you would like.



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